Fast, Easy, And Flexible Summary And Visualization Of Genomic Regions

Authors: Kristyna Kupkova2, Jose Verdezoto Mosquera3, Jason P. Smith4, Michał Stolarczyk5, Tessa L. Danehy6, John T. Lawson7, Bingjie Xue8, John T. Stubbs, IV9, Nathan LeRoy10, Nathan C. Sheffield11.
Last modified: 22 July, 2022.



During this workshop participants will be introduced to GenomicDistributions package. At first, we will go over a general introduction to GenomicDistributions, where we will learn about the purpose, design, and advantages of GenomicDistributions. Followed by instructor-led demo, we will go through all of the functions included in GenomicDistributions, where participants will be able to try the functions on provided example datasets. The participants will learn, how to calculate and plot summary statistics extracted from the example datasets and how to further customize plots generated with GenomicDistributions. Some of the GenomicDistributions functions require genome annotations (for hg19, hg38, and mm10 these are all included in the GenomicDistributionsData package and passed to a subset of functions ending with the suffix “Ref”), the participants will be taught how to easily create and use these annotations. At the end of the workshop, all participants will be able to extract following summary statistics about their regions of interest: distribution over chromosomes, distances from genomic features (e.g., TSSs), distribution over annotation classes, signal summary in regions, region widths, distances to the nearest neighbor, GC content, and dinucleotide frequencies.


Helpful but not required:

  • Basic knowledge of R syntax
  • Familiarity with the GenomicRanges class

Anyone interested in getting familiar with GenomicDistributions before the workshop is welcome to read the GenomicDistributions publication or vignettes provided with the package:


Participants will be able to test all of the functions provided in GenomicDistributions on example datasets, learn how to customize plots and create genome annotations required by some of the functions.

R / Bioconductor packages used

  • GenomicDistributions
  • GenomicDistributionsData

Time outline

Activity Time
Introduction 10m
Package demo 25m
Questions 10m

Learning goals

  • calculate and plot summary statistics about genomic regions
  • create genome annotations from FASTA and GTF files

Learning objectives

During the workshop the participants will learn how to get following information about regions of interest:

  • distribution over chromosomes
  • distances from genomic features (e.g., TSSs)
  • distribution over annotation classes
  • signal summary in regions
  • region widths
  • distances to the nearest neighbor
  • GC content
  • dinucleotide frequencies

Participants will also learn how to:

  • create custom annotation files
  • customize plots


A. Load data

Let’s first load our example region sets (BED files - hg38 genome assembly) as GRanges / GRangesList objects.


# provide full path to genomic regions of interest (BED files)
H3K27ac_Bcell_file = system.file("extdata", "hg38_H3K27ac_Bcell.bed.gz", 
H3K27me3_Bcell_file = system.file("extdata", "hg38_H3K27me3_Bcell.bed.gz", 
FGF2_iPSC_file = system.file("extdata", "hg38_FGF2_iPSC.bed.gz", 

# import bed files as GenomicRange objects
H3K27ac_Bcell = rtracklayer::import(H3K27ac_Bcell_file)
H3K27me3_Bcell = rtracklayer::import(H3K27me3_Bcell_file)
FGF2_iPSC = rtracklayer::import(FGF2_iPSC_file)

# remove unknown chromosomes:
H3K27ac_Bcell = keepStandardChromosomes(H3K27ac_Bcell,pruning.mode="coarse")
H3K27me3_Bcell = keepStandardChromosomes(H3K27me3_Bcell,pruning.mode="coarse")
FGF2_iPSC = keepStandardChromosomes(FGF2_iPSC,pruning.mode="coarse")

We now have our individual datasets in form of a GRanges objects. Let’s have a look.

#> GRanges object with 6 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames        ranges strand
#>          <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>   [1]     chr1 629777-630122      *
#>   [2]     chr1 633847-634215      *
#>   [3]     chr1 778575-778853      *
#>   [4]     chr1 827332-827648      *
#>   [5]     chr1 921142-921392      *
#>   [6]     chr1 940207-940475      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

To enable comparison of multiple region sets we need to combine the individual GRanges objects into a GRangesList.

GRList = GRangesList(H3K27ac_Bcell=H3K27ac_Bcell,

#> GRangesList object of length 3:
#> $H3K27ac_Bcell
#> GRanges object with 58033 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames              ranges strand
#>              <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chr1     1000310-1000753      *
#>       [2]     chr1 100037011-100040452      *
#>       [3]     chr1 100040882-100041361      *
#>       [4]     chr1 100046295-100047961      *
#>       [5]     chr1 100048276-100048828      *
#>       ...      ...                 ...    ...
#>   [58029]     chrX   97563113-97564372      *
#>   [58030]     chrX   97564422-97564749      *
#>   [58031]     chrX       989528-991924      *
#>   [58032]     chrX     9953085-9953661      *
#>   [58033]     chrX     9980613-9982237      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $H3K27me3_Bcell
#> GRanges object with 51085 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames              ranges strand
#>              <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chr1     1000432-1000779      *
#>       [2]     chr1     1000882-1001645      *
#>       [3]     chr1     1002104-1002649      *
#>       [4]     chr1     1002885-1005766      *
#>       [5]     chr1 100336992-100337457      *
#>       ...      ...                 ...    ...
#>   [51081]     chrY     2830500-2830755      *
#>   [51082]     chrY     2834328-2834614      *
#>   [51083]     chrY     2899471-2899699      *
#>   [51084]     chrY     7712260-7712492      *
#>   [51085]     chrY     8417617-8417831      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $FGF2_iPSC
#> GRanges object with 9974 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>          seqnames            ranges strand
#>             <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>      [1]     chr1     629777-630122      *
#>      [2]     chr1     633847-634215      *
#>      [3]     chr1     778575-778853      *
#>      [4]     chr1     827332-827648      *
#>      [5]     chr1     921142-921392      *
#>      ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   [9970]     chrY 10999752-11000089      *
#>   [9971]     chrY 11305156-11305354      *
#>   [9972]     chrY 11329757-11329976      *
#>   [9973]     chrY 11721851-11722119      *
#>   [9974]     chrY 11731154-11731384      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

Now that we have our example data loaded, let’s see how can we extract information from these files using GenomicDistributions.

B. Distribution over chromosomes

calcChromBinsRef() + plotChromBins()

Let’s start by calculating and plotting the distribution of regions over chromosomes for a single genomic region set (single GRanges object).

Calculate the distribution over chromosomes.

chromDistribution_FGF2 = calcChromBinsRef(query=FGF2_iPSC, refAssembly="hg38")
#>     chr   start     end regionID withinGroupID  N
#> 1: chr1       1 1068482        1             1 11
#> 2: chr1 1068483 2136965        2             2 18
#> 3: chr1 2136966 3205447        3             3 15
#> 4: chr1 3205448 4273930        4             4  7
#> 5: chr1 5342413 6410895        6             6  3
#> 6: chr1 6410896 7479377        7             7  9

The output from the calcChromBinsRef (or calcChromBins that we will cover later in the workshop) is a data.table with following columns: chr, start, end - coordinates of a bin, regionID - bin number in a sorted list of bins, withinGroupID - bin number within a given chromosome, N - number of region falling within the bin.

Plot results.


Process multiple region sets

GenomicDistributions functions are able to process multiple region sets at once. Let’s try that by passing GRangesList object to the same function.

chromDistributionMulti = calcChromBinsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")
#>     chr   start     end regionID withinGroupID  N          name
#> 1: chr1       1 1068482        1             1  8 H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 2: chr1 1068483 2136965        2             2 95 H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 3: chr1 2136966 3205447        3             3 46 H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 4: chr1 3205448 4273930        4             4 20 H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 5: chr1 4273931 5342412        5             5  1 H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 6: chr1 5342413 6410895        6             6  6 H3K27ac_Bcell

As you can see, the output of the calc function has now an additional name column that assigns individual values to a dataset of origin. But plotting function stays the same, let’s try it.


All of the functions in GenomicDistributions have the same design – you can process single genomic region set as GRanges object, or process multiple region sets with the same functions by passing them a GRangesList. All following examples will be therefore shown only on the created GRangesList for multiple comparisons.

C. Distances from TSSs

calcFeatureDistRefTSS() + plotFeatureDist()

To calculate distances from genomic features, GenomicDistributions offers calcFeatureDist function (example shown in custom features section). Distance from transcription start sites (TSSs) is commonly used for analysis of genomic regions, we therefore created calcFeatureDistRefTSS, which provides precompiled set of TSSs for hg19, hg38, mm9, and mm10. Let’s give this function a try.

TSSdist = calcFeatureDistRefTSS(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")
plotFeatureDist(TSSdist, featureName = "TSS")

The plotFeatureDist plotting function (like many other GenomicDistributions plotting functions) offers multiple plotting options. With default setting plotted are regions within +- 100 kb from TSSs. Let’s try what happens when we change few of the parameters in the plotFeatureDist function.

Exercise 1

Using the previously calculated TSSdist object, plot histogram of distances to TSSs within 5 kb from TSSs (argument size), where regions further than +-5 kb will be accumulated and plotted into “infinite bins” (argument infBins).

D. Distribution over genomic partitions

calcPartitionsRef() + plotPartitions()

To calculate and plot, how are genomic regions distributed across genomic partitions such as promoters, exons, introns, 5’UTR, and 3’UTR GenomicDistributions provides calcPartitionsRef and plotPartitions functions. calcPartitions function requires provided annotation classes (partitions), which are again provided within calcPartitionsRef function. We will show how to generate a genomic annotation object later in the custom reference section.

partitions = calcPartitionsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")

calcExpectedPartitionsRef() + plotExpectedPartitions()

Partition plots do not account for different sizes of individual partitions. If you want to account for the different sizes of individual partitions, we recommend that you use calcExpectedPartitionsRef() and plotExpectedPartitions() functions to calculate and plot if observed overlap is higher or lower to what we would expect based on size contribution of individual partitions to genome size. Let’s have a look!

expPartitions = calcExpectedPartitionsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")

E. Signal summary in regions

calcSummarySignal() + plotSummarySignal()

In this section, we will learn how to calculate summary of signal values within our regions sets. GenomicDistributions does not provide ”Ref” function to calculate the signal in the overlaps. The calcSummarySignal function requires a signal matrix, where each column is a condition of interest, each row a defined region within a genome and values are a normalized signal. The first column in the matrix contains the coordinates for a given region. GenomicDistributionsData package, provides an example of such matrix (hg19, hg38, mm10) with calculated normalized chromatin accessibility signal across different cell types. Let’s have a look at the matrix for hg38.

# load matrix with chromatin accessibility values for different cell types from 
# GenomicDistributionsData package
openSignalMatrix_hg38 = openSignalMatrix_hg38()

# and let's have a look at few top rows and columns
openSignalMatrix_hg38[1:5, 1:5]
#>                          V1 amniotic_epithelial_cell amniotic_stem_cell
#> 1: chr1_100002175_100002325                   0.0212             0.0433
#> 2: chr1_100004335_100004598                   0.0315             0.0304
#> 3:     chr1_1000055_1000285                   1.0000             1.0000
#> 4: chr1_100005564_100005714                   0.0202             0.0283
#> 5: chr1_100005741_100006041                   0.0263             0.0087
#>    astrocyte astrocyte_of_the_cerebellum
#> 1:    0.0103                      0.0173
#> 2:    0.0321                      0.0290
#> 3:    1.0000                      1.0000
#> 4:    0.0125                      0.0173
#> 5:    0.0309                      0.0203

We can now pass this matrix to the function that summarizes signal within region sets.

# extract values from overlapping regions
cellSpecTable = calcSummarySignal(query=GRList, signalMatrix=openSignalMatrix_hg38)

The output is a list that contains- 1) a matrix with signal values within our region sets:

cellSpecTable$signalSummaryMatrix[1:5, 71:75]
#>    T-helper_1_cell T-helper_17_cell T-helper_2_cell trophoblast_cell
#> 1:          0.1579           0.0153          0.1627           0.2565
#> 2:          1.0000           0.6351          1.0000           0.4297
#> 3:          0.6212           1.0000          0.4485           0.0949
#> 4:          0.0968           0.0226          0.0885           0.0407
#> 5:          0.0968           0.0226          0.0885           0.0407
#>             name
#> 1: H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 2: H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 3: H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 4: H3K27ac_Bcell
#> 5: H3K27ac_Bcell

and 2) a matrix containing boxplot summary statistics for values within each condition.

cellSpecTable$matrixStats[ 1:5, 71:75]
#>    T-helper_17_cell T-helper_2_cell trophoblast_cell          name     boxStats
#> 1:           0.0011          0.0001          0.00080 H3K27ac_Bcell lowerWhisker
#> 2:           0.0494          0.0611          0.04170 H3K27ac_Bcell   lowerHinge
#> 3:           0.2017          0.2048          0.08070 H3K27ac_Bcell       median
#> 4:           0.9920          1.0000          0.38235 H3K27ac_Bcell   upperHinge
#> 5:           1.0000          1.0000          0.89290 H3K27ac_Bcell upperWhisker

You can pass the output of the calcSummarySignal function directly to the plotSummarySignal function without any additional inputs, however, if you want different conditions to be colored by different colors (e.g., color cell types based on the tissue of origin), you need to provide a metadata table. Let’s have a look at an example of suitable metadata matrix. The first column must be names colName and contain column names from signal matrix (here different cell types). Notice that the column with region coordinates is not included in the metadata matrix. The rest of columns are named and generated by the user. The plotting function then accepts an argument defining the name of the column used for coloring.

# cellType metadata matrix is provided as part of GnomicDistribution data
#>                         colName tissueType      group
#> 1:                          A20      blood   lymphoid
#> 2:     amniotic_epithelial_cell  embryonic epithelium
#> 3:           amniotic_stem_cell  embryonic   stemCell
#> 4:                    astrocyte        CNS  astrocyte
#> 5:  astrocyte_of_the_cerebellum        CNS  astrocyte
#> 6: astrocyte_of_the_hippocampus        CNS  astrocyte

Now, let’s finally plot the results!


F. Region widths

calcWidth() + plotQTHist()

In this section we will have a look at the widths of regions within region sets. We do not need any reference annotation data for these functions. Plotting the distribution of region widths often leads to long tails due to very large or very small outliers. To overcome this problem, GenomicDistributions offers plotQTHist function that accumulates the top and bottom predefined percentiles of region widths into separate bins. Let’s give it a try.

widths = calcWidth(GRList)
# let's say we want only 10 bins in our histogram and top and bottom 5% 
# of regions will fall into separate bins 
plotQTHist(widths, bins = 10, quantThresh = 0.05)

G. distances to the nearest neighbor

calcNeighborDist() + plotNeighborDist()

Next functions offered in GenomicDistributions package calculate and plot the distances between neighboring regions within a region set. You don’t need any genome annotation here, so let’s just give it a go.

neighbors = calcNeighborDist(query=GRList)

H. GC content

calcGCContentRef() + plotGCContent()

In order to calculate the GC content withing your region sets, you must provide a BSgenome object from a BSGenome Bioconductor package associated with your organism.

bsg = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.masked
gc = calcGCContent(query=GRList, ref = bsg) 

I. Dinucleotide frequencies

calcDinuclFreqRef() + plotDinuclFreq()

Just like in functions for GC content calculations, in order to calculate dinucleotide frequencies, you need to provide BSgenome object.

dinuc = calcDinuclFreq(query=GRList, ref=bsg) 

J. Custom reference

Unless you are working with human or mouse data, for which associated GenomicDistributionsData package provides precompiled annotation files (available for: hg19, hg38, mm10, mm9), you will need to use “calc” function without “Ref” suffix and provide required genome annotations objects (e.g., chromosome sizes, list of TSSs). But don’t worry, GenomicDistributions provide functions to create such annotation objects. All you need to do is provide FASTA and GTF files for your organism of interest.

Let’s try to create all necessary genome annotation for Caenorhabditis elegans.

We can first have a look, what can we extract from FASTA file. All you need to do is simply provide a path to your FASTA file (or URL) and our annotation functions will take care of everything else!

# provide path to the FASTA file
fastaSource = system.file("extdata", "ce11.fa.gz", 
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpHQyWfx/temp_libpath3f230dcb3c1/GenomicDistributionsBioC2022/extdata/ce11.fa.gz"
1. Get chromosome sizes
# get chromosome sizes from the FASTA file 
# the provided FASTA file comes from Ensembl - set up convertEnsemblUCSC=TRUE to get UCSC formatted chromosome names
Celegans_chromSizes = getChromSizesFromFasta(source=fastaSource, convertEnsemblUCSC=TRUE)

#>     chrI    chrII   chrIII    chrIV     chrV     chrX chrMtDNA 
#> 15072434 15279421 13783801 17493829 20924180 17718942    13794
2. Get uniformly sized bins across genome

The calcChromBins function requires a GRangesList object containing uniformly sized bins for each chromosome. Let’s create these bins using previously generated chromosome sizes.

# create GRangesList object with uniformly-sized bins across chromosomes
Celegans_bins  = getGenomeBins(chromSizes=Celegans_chromSizes, binCount = 1000)
#> GRangesList object of length 7:
#> $`1`
#> GRanges object with 150 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames            ranges strand
#>          <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>     1     chrI          1-100483      *
#>     2     chrI     100484-200966      *
#>     3     chrI     200967-301449      *
#>     4     chrI     301450-401932      *
#>     5     chrI     401933-502414      *
#>   ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   146     chrI 14570020-14670501      *
#>   147     chrI 14670502-14770984      *
#>   148     chrI 14770985-14871467      *
#>   149     chrI 14871468-14971950      *
#>   150     chrI 14971951-15072433      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> ...
#> <6 more elements>

For the next set of genome annotations, we will need a GTF file. The process is the same as with the FASTA file, just give GenomicDistributions the path to the GTF file (or URL) and everything will be taken care of.

# provide path to the GTF file
gtfSource = system.file("extdata", "ce11.gtf.gz", 
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpHQyWfx/temp_libpath3f230dcb3c1/GenomicDistributionsBioC2022/extdata/ce11.gtf.gz"
3. Get list of TSSs
# get coordinates of TSSs
Celegans_TSSs = getTssFromGTF(source=gtfSource, convertEnsemblUCSC=TRUE)

#> GRanges object with 19997 ranges and 16 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames            ranges strand |   source     type     score
#>              <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor> <factor> <numeric>
#>       [1]     chrV   9246360-9246361      - | WormBase     gene        NA
#>       [2]     chrV 11470663-11470664      - | WormBase     gene        NA
#>       [3]     chrV 15817846-15817847      - | WormBase     gene        NA
#>       [4]     chrV 20558370-20558371      - | WormBase     gene        NA
#>       [5]     chrV     330725-330726      - | WormBase     gene        NA
#>       ...      ...               ...    ... .      ...      ...       ...
#>   [19993] chrMtDNA         6505-6506      + | WormBase     gene        NA
#>   [19994] chrMtDNA         7826-7827      + | WormBase     gene        NA
#>   [19995] chrMtDNA         9648-9649      + | WormBase     gene        NA
#>   [19996] chrMtDNA       11355-11356      + | WormBase     gene        NA
#>   [19997] chrMtDNA       11690-11691      + | WormBase     gene        NA
#>               phase        gene_id   gene_name gene_source   gene_biotype
#>           <integer>    <character> <character> <character>    <character>
#>       [1]      <NA> WBGene00000003       aat-2    WormBase protein_coding
#>       [2]      <NA> WBGene00000007       aat-6    WormBase protein_coding
#>       [3]      <NA> WBGene00000014       abf-3    WormBase protein_coding
#>       [4]      <NA> WBGene00000015       abf-4    WormBase protein_coding
#>       [5]      <NA> WBGene00000022       abt-4    WormBase protein_coding
#>       ...       ...            ...         ...         ...            ...
#>   [19993]      <NA> WBGene00010963      nduo-4    WormBase protein_coding
#>   [19994]      <NA> WBGene00010964       ctc-1    WormBase protein_coding
#>   [19995]      <NA> WBGene00010965       ctc-2    WormBase protein_coding
#>   [19996]      <NA> WBGene00010966      nduo-3    WormBase protein_coding
#>   [19997]      <NA> WBGene00010967      nduo-5    WormBase protein_coding
#>           transcript_id transcript_source transcript_biotype exon_number
#>             <character>       <character>        <character> <character>
#>       [1]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>       [2]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>       [3]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>       [4]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>       [5]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>       ...           ...               ...                ...         ...
#>   [19993]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19994]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19995]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19996]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19997]          <NA>              <NA>               <NA>        <NA>
#>               exon_id  protein_id transcript_name         tag
#>           <character> <character>     <character> <character>
#>       [1]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>       [2]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>       [3]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>       [4]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>       [5]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>       ...         ...         ...             ...         ...
#>   [19993]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19994]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19995]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19996]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>   [19997]        <NA>        <NA>            <NA>        <NA>
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

The output is GRanges object with TSSs coordinates that can now be passed to calcFeatureDist function and you get equivalent results as if you used calcFeatureDistRefTSS function with your genome of interest.

4. Get genome partitions

For overlaps with genomic partitions: calcPartitions, calcExpectedPartitions, and calcCumulativePartitions functions, a user needs to provide a GRangesList with coordinates for each partition. We do that by first extracting gene models (coordinates for genes, exons, and if available, 3’UTRs and 5’UTRs). Let’s start with extracting gene models.

features = c("gene", "exon","three_prime_utr", "five_prime_utr")
Celegans_geneModels = getGeneModelsFromGTF(source=gtfSource, features=features, convertEnsemblUCSC=TRUE)
#> $gene
#> GRanges object with 19397 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames      ranges strand
#>              <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI 11495-16837      +
#>       [2]     chrI 43733-44677      +
#>       [3]     chrI 47461-49860      +
#>       [4]     chrI 49921-54426      +
#>       [5]     chrI 71425-81156      +
#>       ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [19393] chrMtDNA   5678-6449      +
#>   [19394] chrMtDNA   6506-7808      +
#>   [19395] chrMtDNA   7827-9428      +
#>   [19396] chrMtDNA  9649-10348      +
#>   [19397] chrMtDNA 11356-13272      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $exon
#> GRanges object with 124154 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>            seqnames      ranges strand
#>               <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>        [1]     chrI 11495-11561      +
#>        [2]     chrI 11618-11689      +
#>        [3]     chrI 14951-15160      +
#>        [4]     chrI 16473-16837      +
#>        [5]     chrI 43733-43961      +
#>        ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [124150] chrMtDNA   5678-6449      +
#>   [124151] chrMtDNA   6506-7808      +
#>   [124152] chrMtDNA   7827-9428      +
#>   [124153] chrMtDNA  9649-10348      +
#>   [124154] chrMtDNA 11356-13272      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $three_prime_utr
#> GRanges object with 18117 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames      ranges strand
#>              <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI 16586-16837      +
#>       [2]     chrI 49417-49860      +
#>       [3]     chrI 54361-54426      +
#>       [4]     chrI 80345-81156      +
#>       [5]     chrI 90608-91296      +
#>       ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [18113] chrMtDNA   7733-7808      +
#>   [18114] chrMtDNA   9420-9428      +
#>   [18115] chrMtDNA 10342-10348      +
#>   [18116] chrMtDNA 11689-11691      +
#>   [18117] chrMtDNA       13272      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $five_prime_utr
#> GRanges object with 19430 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames            ranges strand
#>              <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI       11495-11561      +
#>       [2]     chrI       11618-11640      +
#>       [3]     chrI       47461-47471      +
#>       [4]     chrI       71845-71932      +
#>       [5]     chrI       72511-72590      +
#>       ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   [19426]     chrX 17682295-17682305      -
#>   [19427]     chrX 17684756-17684811      -
#>   [19428]     chrX 17711675-17711698      -
#>   [19429] chrMtDNA         3389-3417      +
#>   [19430] chrMtDNA         7827-7844      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

We now need to extract additional elements. Provided options are:

  • core promoters (default: 100 bp upstream)
  • proximal promoters (default: 2 kb upstream)
  • exons
  • introns
  • 5’UTR (if provided)
  • 3’UTR (if provided)

This is all done automatically with following function.

partitionList = genomePartitionList(genesGR = Celegans_geneModels$gene,
                                    exonsGR = Celegans_geneModels$exon, 
                                    threeUTRGR = Celegans_geneModels$three_prime_utr,
                                    fiveUTRGR = Celegans_geneModels$five_prime_utr, 
                                    getCorePromoter = TRUE, 
                                    getProxPromoter = FALSE, 
                                    corePromSize = 200)
#> $promoterCore
#> GRanges object with 19392 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames      ranges strand
#>              <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI 11295-11494      +
#>       [2]     chrI 43533-43732      +
#>       [3]     chrI 47261-47460      +
#>       [4]     chrI 49721-49920      +
#>       [5]     chrI 71225-71424      +
#>       ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [19388] chrMtDNA   5478-5677      +
#>   [19389] chrMtDNA   6306-6505      +
#>   [19390] chrMtDNA   7627-7826      +
#>   [19391] chrMtDNA   9449-9648      +
#>   [19392] chrMtDNA 11156-11355      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $threeUTR
#> GRanges object with 18117 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames      ranges strand
#>              <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI 16586-16837      +
#>       [2]     chrI 49417-49860      +
#>       [3]     chrI 54361-54426      +
#>       [4]     chrI 80345-81156      +
#>       [5]     chrI 90608-91296      +
#>       ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [18113] chrMtDNA   7733-7808      +
#>   [18114] chrMtDNA   9420-9428      +
#>   [18115] chrMtDNA 10342-10348      +
#>   [18116] chrMtDNA 11689-11691      +
#>   [18117] chrMtDNA       13272      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $fiveUTR
#> GRanges object with 19396 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames            ranges strand
#>              <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>       [1]     chrI       11495-11561      +
#>       [2]     chrI       11618-11640      +
#>       [3]     chrI       47461-47471      +
#>       [4]     chrI       71845-71932      +
#>       [5]     chrI       72511-72590      +
#>       ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   [19392]     chrX 17682295-17682305      -
#>   [19393]     chrX 17684756-17684811      -
#>   [19394]     chrX 17711675-17711698      -
#>   [19395] chrMtDNA         3389-3417      +
#>   [19396] chrMtDNA         7827-7844      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $exon
#> GRanges object with 120584 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>            seqnames      ranges strand
#>               <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>        [1]     chrI 11641-11689      +
#>        [2]     chrI 14951-15160      +
#>        [3]     chrI 16473-16585      +
#>        [4]     chrI 43733-43961      +
#>        [5]     chrI 44030-44234      +
#>        ...      ...         ...    ...
#>   [120580] chrMtDNA   6506-7732      +
#>   [120581] chrMtDNA   7845-9419      +
#>   [120582] chrMtDNA  9649-10341      +
#>   [120583] chrMtDNA 11356-11688      +
#>   [120584] chrMtDNA 11692-13271      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#> $intron
#> GRanges object with 104757 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>            seqnames            ranges strand
#>               <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>        [1]     chrI       11562-11617      +
#>        [2]     chrI       11690-14950      +
#>        [3]     chrI       15161-16472      +
#>        [4]     chrI       43962-44029      +
#>        [5]     chrI       44235-44280      +
#>        ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   [104753]     chrX 17682306-17684755      -
#>   [104754]     chrX 17710702-17710749      -
#>   [104755]     chrX 17710904-17711062      -
#>   [104756]     chrX 17711269-17711380      -
#>   [104757]     chrX 17711486-17711596      -
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 7 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

If you want additional features included in the partition list, simply attach them as additional GRanges to the existing list.

And that’s it! We now have all genome annotations required to run all of the GenomicDistributions functions! Let’s try them!

Load C. elegans region sets

First load data into GRangesList object just like before.

# provide full path to genomic regions of interest (BED files)
elt3_file = system.file("extdata", "ce11_elt3.bed.gz", 
ztf11_file = system.file("extdata", "ce11_ztf11.bed.gz", 

# import bed files as GenomicRange objects
elt3 = rtracklayer::import(elt3_file)
ztf11 = rtracklayer::import(ztf11_file)

# remove unknown chromosomes:
elt3 = keepStandardChromosomes(elt3,pruning.mode="coarse")
ztf11 = keepStandardChromosomes(ztf11,pruning.mode="coarse")

GRList_CE = GRangesList(elt3=elt3,
Distribution over chromosomes: calcChromBins() + plotChromBins()

Let’s start by plotting the distribution over chromosomes. Notice that the used calc function is missing the Ref suffix, since we are providing our own annotations in form of the previously created bins over genome.

chromDistribution_CE = calcChromBins(query=GRList_CE, bins=Celegans_bins)

Distances from TSSs #### calcFeatureDist() + plotFeatureDist()

Now that we have the coordinates of TSSs in C. elegans, let’s have a look at the distances of our region sets to TSSs.

TSSdist_CE = calcFeatureDist(GRList_CE, features=Celegans_TSSs)
plotFeatureDist(TSSdist_CE, featureName="TSS", size = 5000, 
                nbins = 50, infBins = TRUE)

Exercise 2

The calcFeatureDist function is not designed only for distances from TSSs. Can you calculate and plot the distances of elt3 regions from ztf11? You can then test the different size / nbins / infBins settings in the plotFeatureDist function to get an optimal view. And don’t foget to change the featureName in the plotFeatureDist function to “ztf3”.

Distribution over genomic partitions #### calcPartitions() + plotPartitions()

Next we can use the create _ partitionList_ to get overlaps with genomic partitions.

gp = calcPartitions(GRList_CE, partitionList = partitionList)

Expected partitions overlaps #### calcExpectedPartitions() + plotExpectedPartitions()

You can again calculate also how are observed overlaps comparing to what would be expected if distribution of regions was uniform across genome. Not that calcExpectedPartitions functions requires also genomeSize argument to calculate the size of intergenic regions. You can get that simply as a sum of chromosome sizes.

ep = calcExpectedPartitions(GRList_CE, partitionList = partitionList, 
                            genomeSize = sum(Celegans_chromSizes))

K. Customize plotting

Would you like to change colors, title, axis labels, etc. in your plots? No problem. Many of GenomicDistributions plotting functions offer various options. But that’s not all. The output from the plotting functions are editable ggplot objects. Let’s try to change few things.

Let’s plot again the results showing distances between nearest neighbors.

neighbors = calcNeighborDist(query=GRList)

Now, let’s change our color scheme, maybe a title too and let’s put the legend on the right side of the plot.

p = plotNeighborDist(neighbors)
p + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#A0D8F1", "#E9AF32","#BF381A")) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#A0D8F1", "#E9AF32","#BF381A")) + 
  ggtitle("This is my new title") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")

Changing color options in a plot showing summary for one region set is maybe a bit tricky, but definitely possible. Let’s try it! Let’s start by plotting the original.

singleNeighbors = calcNearestNeighbors(FGF2_iPSC)

This plot is not very appealing. Lets’ make the colors nicer. And maybe change x-axis label.

singleNeighbors = calcNearestNeighbors(FGF2_iPSC)
p = plotNeighborDist(singleNeighbors)
p = p + xlab("distnace [bp]")
p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$fill =  "#A0D8F1"
p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$colour =  "#E9AF32"
p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$alpha =  0.5


Additional examples

Change the resolution of distribution over chromosomes

How can I change the resolution of the distribution of regions over chromosome? Simply by changing binCount argument in the calcChromBins / calcChromBinsRef functions.

Let’s first set the number of bins (within the whole genome) to 10,000.

chromDistributionMulti = calcChromBinsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38", binCount=100000)

And now let’s have a look, how does the resolution change by setting the number of bins to 1,000.

chromDistributionMulti = calcChromBinsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38", binCount=1000)

Plot distances from TSSs in form of heatmap instead of histogram

Instead of plotting the distances from TSSs in form of histogram, let’s convert the bar heights into colors and plot the results in form of heatmap (set up argument tile=TRUE). In this example, we will also set up the order of the samples based on the value in the plot center (labelOrder="center").

TSSdist = calcFeatureDistRefTSS(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")
plotFeatureDist(TSSdist, featureName="TSS", size=5000, labelOrder="center", nbins=50, tile=TRUE) 

Calculate and plot how do size-sorted genomic regions accumulate withing different genome partitions

calcCumulativePartitionsRef() + plotCumulativePartitions()

To further show, how are genomic regions accumulating in different partitions (genomic regions are sorted from smallest to largest), GenomicDistributions provide a unique set of functions to do that: _ calcCumulativePartitionsRef_ and plotCumulativePartitions.

cumPartitions = calcCumulativePartitionsRef(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")

If you are working with other organism than human or mouse, you can generate these plots with calcCumulativePartitions() + plotCumulativePartitions() functions. You just need to pass the list of partitions to the calcCumulativePartitions() function.

cp = calcCumulativePartitions(GRList_CE, partitionList = partitionList)

Custom features

Do you want to plot overlaps with additional partition such as enhancers? Let’s do it! You will need to use calcPartitions function without the “Ref” suffix and provide the partition list.

# get partition list for hg38
geneModels = GenomicDistributions::getGeneModels("hg38")
partitionList = GenomicDistributions::genomePartitionList(geneModels$genesGR, 

# load enhancers as GRanges
enhancer_file = H3K27ac_Bcell_file = system.file("extdata", "enhancers.bed.gz", 
enhancers = rtracklayer::import(enhancer_file)

# attach enhancer Granges to the existin partition list
partitionList[["enhancer"]] = enhancers

# calculate overlaps and plot
partitons = calcPartitions(query=GRList, partitionList = partitionList)

Exercise solutions

Exercise 1

Using the previously calculated TSSdist object, plot histogram of distances to TSSs within 5 kb from TSSs (argument size), where regions further than +-5 kb will be accumulated and plotted into “infinite bins” (argument infBins).

# TSSdist = calcFeatureDistRefTSS(query=GRList, refAssembly="hg38")
plotFeatureDist(TSSdist, featureName="TSS", size=5000, infBins=T) 

Exercise 2

The calcFeatureDist function is not designed only for distances from TSSs. Can you calculate and plot the distances of elt3 regions from ztf11? You can then test the different size / nbins / infBins settings in the plotFeatureDist function to get an optimal view. And don’t foget to change the featureName in the plotFeatureDist function to “ztf3”.

dist_ztf11 = calcFeatureDist(query = elt3, features = ztf11)
plotFeatureDist(dist_ztf11, featureName="ztf11", size = 1000000, nbins = 50, infBins = TRUE)

  1. ↩︎

  2. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia↩︎

  3. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia↩︎

  4. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia↩︎

  5. Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia↩︎

  6. Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia↩︎

  7. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia↩︎

  8. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia↩︎

  9. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia↩︎

  10. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia↩︎

  11. Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Public Health Sciences / Department of Biomedical Engineering / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia↩︎